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There was a fly hovering six inches above a lake...


2 January, 20122 January, 2012 0 Comments Other Jokes Other Jokes


There was a fly hovering six inches above a lake. There was a fish in the lake that said, "If that fly dropped six inches, I could get it." A bear was behind the fish and he said, "If that fly dropped six inches, the fish would get the fly, and I would get the fish." A hunter was behind the bear and he said, "If that fly dropped six inches, the fish would get the fly, the bear would get the fish, and I would get the bear." A mouse happened to be behind the hunter, and he said, "If that fly dropped six inches, the fish would get the fly, the bear would get the fish, the hunter would get the bear, and I would get some cheese from the hunter's back pocket." There was a cat behind the mouse and he said, "If that fly dropped six inches, the fish would get the fly, the bear would get the fish, the hunter would get the bear, the mouse would get the cheese, and I would get the mouse." So the fly dropped six inches. The fish got the fly, the bear got the fish, the hunter got the bear, the mouse got the cheese, and the cat went for the mouse but missed and landed in the lake. The moral of this story... Every time a fly drops six inches a pussy gets wet.
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Jokes: 5
Added: 4800 Days Ago
Views: 2877
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