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1 votes
You wait and wait and the minute you decide to use the stethoscope to listen to your balls, the doctor walks in.
0 votes
What's wrong with 27 year olds.....
There's 20 of them
0 votes
Why did the blonde have a bruised belly button?
Her boyfriend was blonde too
1 votes
Fat lady goes into a sex shop and the clerk asks if he can help her. She says "Yes I would like the biggest Dildo you have, so he points to the area they are in. The lady says I will take the Big Red one on the wall and the clerk says "Sorry Maam thats our fire extinguisher"
A .. the young hooker uses Vaseline to take it in ..the old hooker uses poligrip to hole it in .
0 votes
Q...How can you tell if a blonde has been using your computer?
A...there is white out on the screen
0 votes
Q: what's the difference between santa and a christmas tree A:the christmas tree has coloured balls
5 votes
a lady of 35 feeling good about herself after weeks of exercise and diet orders a black coffee at Tims asks the kid "hey how old you think I am?"Kid says I don't know maybe 28 or so.With a big smile she says nope I'm 35.Sits down has her coffee finishes and goes outside where a guy is having a sm...Read more
1 votes
Q: What's 72?
A: 69 with 3 people watching.
1 votes
Girl: Hey what's up?
Boy: If i tell you. Would you sit on it?
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